January 15, 2015

Register for CADCA Webinar on Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention

A key part of any comprehensive prescription drug abuse prevention plan is education and messaging. Join CADCA for its next webinar, “Prescription Drug Abuse – Messaging Techniques to Help You Educate Your Community” on Jan. 27th at 3 pm, EST, where experts will discuss how to develop media campaigns that address the root causes of your local prescription drug abuse problem and how to craft messages that resonate with your local audience whether it’s through print, radio or video. The webinar is the second in CADCA’s Prescription Drug Abuse Webinar Series.

During this hour-long webinar, you’ll learn how to utilize local data to create a local or statewide media campaign that effectively gets your prevention messages out there. You’ll hear from a coalition leader in Florida about their successful mass media campaign that helped reduce a key problem that was fueling the prescription drug abuse problem. In addition, a state leader from Utah will share the process for developing their successful statewide prescription drug abuse media campaign and how coalitions can play a key role in statewide campaigns. You’ll walk away with new ideas and tips to help you design your next prescription drug abuse media campaign, and with an understanding of how education and messaging fits into your coalition’s overall strategic plan.


  • Kristy Miller, Deputy Director, Innovation and Outreach, CADCA National Coalition Institute
  • Craig L PoVey M.S.W., Prevention Administrator, Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
  • Shelah Neece, Pasco County Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention
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