National Coalition Institute


The Institute is CADCA’s primary vehicle for delivering training, technical assistance, evaluation, research, translation, and capacity building products and services to support coalition-specific substance misuse prevention and policy development.

Our global focus along with the changing national landscape as it pertains to drug legalization requires CADCA, including the Institute, to innovate and pave the way for future coalition professionals and prevention practitioners.

The Training, Coalition Development TA & Outreach Department (TTAO)

TTAO provides intensive training experiences and brief customized support to immerse coalitions in best practices and essential processes to achieve positive community-level outcomes.

The Evaluation & Research Department

E&R advances evaluation and research techniques and methodologies to improve coalition effectiveness. Evaluation and Research builds the local data collection and evaluation capacity of coalitions, evaluates and conducts research on the Institute’s training and coalition development, and works to use research to inform coalition work.

For technical assistance, contact 1-800-54-CADCA, ext. 240 or
For more information or to contact the Institute leadership, please email
or call 1-800-54-CADCA, ext 240.

This webpage is based upon work supported by the Office of National Drug Control Policy under Grant No. G2299ONDCP08A. Opinions and points of view expressed on this webpage are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of, or a position endorsed is endorsed by, the Office of National Drug Control Policy.