CADCA is raising awareness of the dangers of prescription drug abuse and over-the-counter cough medicine abuse during National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month this month.
CADCA is asking coalitions to spread the word to your communities that medicine abuse has become an epidemic.
Coalitions are encouraged to visit CADCA’s special toolkit on with tons of great information, social media postings, infographics, and more to continue your own National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month campaign. Each week, we will share new tools. This week’s theme is celebrate Drug-Free Kids. Next week’s theme is The Medical Community.
Through the CADCA 50 Challenge, we’re asking you to host a town hall meeting or another type of educational event about BOTH prescription drug abuse and OTC cough medicine abuse in your community during October. One coalition will even be named CADCA’s Dose of Prevention Award winner and receive this honor at the National Leadership Forum in February in Washington, D.C. So, are you up for the challenge? If so, please complete the form here.
CADCA also thanks its sponsors for making our campaign possible. What began with one partner Consumer Healthcare Products Association in 2008, has expanded to include additional sponsors McNeil Healthcare, Healthcare Distribution Management Association, and Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, and partners Gannett and The Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University at Columbia University.
National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month Kicks Off Today
CADCA’s Online Course: Applying the Strategic Prevention Framework to Prescription Drug Abuse