CADCA is proud to be hosting the 2015 Geographic Health Equity Symposium at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans today and tomorrow.
Among the speakers today were Kathryn E. Weaver, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor of Public Sciences at Wake Forest School of Medicine who discussed “Optimal Health for Cancer Survivors: The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How,” and “Drafting Effective Tobacco-Free Policies in Southern States & Rural Areas” was covered by Mike Freiberg, JD, Staff Attorney at Tobacco Control Legal Consortium.
CADCA Chairman and CEO Gen. Arthur T. Dean presented an award to New Orleans Councilwoman Latoya Cantrell that has already helped her city breathe easier today. New Orleans is the first major Louisiana city to go 100 percent smoke-free since an ordinance that Cantrell introduced went into effect six months ago.
“Despite the ordinance being in effect for less than 6 months now, we have already seen positive public health implications on the city. For example, a study by Smoke-Free NOLA demonstrated a 96 percent reduction in the level of fine air pollution within a sample of venues in the city before and after the smoke-free ordinance took effect. I am confident we will see even more positive public health outcomes in the future as a result of this policy, such as reduced cancer incidence, less heart disease, and lower rates of respiratory illness in our city,” Cantrell told the audience.
Tomorrow, health advocates will refine their community mapping skills and learn how to use the Community Health Needs Assessment Reporting Toolkit.