Several organizations in the substance abuse prevention, treatment and recovery field will take part in a national call-in day to garner support for the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) April 29th.
CARA was re-introduced by a bipartisan group of lawmakers on Feb.12 in the House (H.R. 953) and Senate (S. 524) to respond to the public health epidemic of prescription drug and heroin abuse and overdose deaths that are ravaging communities across the country.
CARA establishes several grant programs that seek to expand prevention and education efforts while also promoting treatment and recovery. One of the main provisions of the bill is a prescription drug enhancement grant program for coalitions that’s based on the STOP Act model for underage drinking. This new $5 million program would award enhancement grants of up to $75,000 per year to current and former Drug-Free Communities grantees that have an urgent need to address the abuse and misuse of prescription drugs in their communities.
You can help get this bill passed into law by taking part in the National Call-in Day. Here’s what you can do:
On April 29, contact your U.S. Representatives and Senators and ask them to co-sponsor the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) – S. 524 for Senators and H.R. 953 for House Members. Click here to read CADCA’s Legislative Alert.