Tuesday, March 8, 2022 – CADCA presented the latest installment of CADCA’s Research Into Action webinar series with Dr. Jessica Cance, Senior Research Public Health Analyst at RTI International. Dr. Cance presented the findings of her and her colleagues’ recent article, “Examining the Relationship Between Social Connection and Opioid Misuse: A Systematic Review,” published in Substance Use & Misuse in 2021. Topics of discussion included: components of social connection, the complex associations between social connection and opioid misuse, and potential implications for prevention and treatment programs.
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About Research Into Action:
CADCA’s Evaluation and Research team invites you to join our bi-monthly webinar series Conversations: Putting Research into Action—the bridge between scholarly research and day-to-day coalition efforts. Throughout the year, we moderate live conversations with substance misuse prevention experts and participating coalition members. This is your opportunity to learn about the latest research and its implications for coalition work and ask pertinent questions of experts in their fields. Access the full Research Into Action playlist.