CADCA Publisher February 23, 2022

Call for Presentations

Submission Deadline for Call for Presentations has Passed.
Notifications will be emailed the week of May 2, 2022. 


Has your coalition seen changes in community-level outcomes since the implementation of evidence-based environmental strategies? Has your Executive Committee uncovered the secret to effective coalition management and leadership? Did your coalition and its partner organizations conduct an education and advocacy campaign that led to a successful policy or system change in your community? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions – or even if you answered no, but can offer a success story of your own, complete with lessons learned and tips for replication in other coalitions – CADCA needs you at Mid-Year. 

This year’s theme is “Every Day CADCA Trains: Prevention Today for a Drug-Free Tomorrow,” and as community change agents, we embrace this philosophy in our work to improve the quality of life in our nation’s communities. High-performing coalitions are those that have developed broad strategic alliances, implemented proven and promising strategies and achieved population-level change. The Call for Presentations is open to all community anti-drug coalitions, community-based prevention organizations, government agencies with a focus on substance misuse, mental health, criminal justice, public health, public safety, coalition sector member organizations and other organizations with an interest in substance misuse prevention and advocacy. 

Topical areas should focus on one of the following: 

  • Evaluation and Research 

  • Coalition Leadership 

  • Sustainability 

  • Marketing and Communications 

  • Policy and Advocacy 

  • Cross Sector Collaboration 

  • What’s Trending 

​Special consideration will be given to coalitions whose work focuses on the four environmental CADCA strategies: 

  • Enhancing Access/Reducing Barriers 

  • Changing Consequences 

  • Changing Physical Design 

  • Modifying/Changing Policies 


Please be mindful of the order in which you list all presenters.  The LEAD PRESENTER (only) for each accepted Call for Presentation will receive: 

  • Complimentary Mid-Year Registration 

  • Round trip coach airfare to/from Mid-Year, up to $500 

  • Lodging (room and taxes only) for one night at the Gaylord Palms Hotel & Convention Center 

  • Reimbursement for ground transportation to/from the Gaylord (up to $150) 


All additional presenters are required to register at their applicable registration rate.  No other reimbursement will be provided to second, third or subsequent presenters.  

View the submission questions here.

Please note: the Mid-Year Training Institute will be held completely in-person. Visit the Health and Safety section to review policies for attending. 

For questions, please contact Brittany Huffman at or call 703-706-0560 x247. 



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