Are you working to obtain your Certified Prevention Specialist certification? Then, you’ll definitely want to attend CADCA’s 2015 Mid-Year Training Institute, which will feature five courses specifically designed to help CPS seekers fulfill their 150 hours of prevention education. CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute will be held Aug. 2-6 in Indianapolis, Ind. Register today!
Among the CPS-specific courses offered is “Ethics for the Prevention Specialist” featuring long-time coalition leader and CADCA trainer Heidi Bainbridge. Participants in this six hour course will examine the Prevention Code of Ethics’ six key principles and explore a decision-making model for assessing, addressing, and evaluating a range of ethical issues. The course covers the Principles of Ethics through the use real-world coalition-based and other examples while building upon the shared experiences of the participants. The course will be held Aug. 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Other CPS-specific courses include:
“CPS – Planning and Evaluation for the Prevention Specialist,” held Aug. 3, 9:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. This course addresses the key elements of the Planning and Evaluation Domain of the Prevention Specialist Certification process while providing a customized application of several elements of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) including assessment, planning, and evaluation.
“CPS – Public Policy and Environmental Change for the Prevention Specialist,” held Aug. 4, 1:30- 5 p.m. This course addresses key principles related to content included in the Public Policy and Environmental Change Domain of the Certified Prevention Specialist credentialing process. The course provides foundational information for key concepts underlying environmental prevention and public policy work.
“CPS – Principles of Community Organizing for the Prevention Specialist,” held Aug.4, 8:30 a.m. to Noon. This course addresses the job tasks of the Community Organization Domain of the Prevention Specialist credential. Course content will build knowledge and competency in forming strategic alliances, building community ownership of prevention efforts through collaboration, and developing community-based coalitions to manage the levels of shared co-work.
“CPS – Communication Techniques for the Prevention Specialist,” held Aug. 6, 1:30- 5 p.m. This course will address the job tasks of the Communication Domain of the Prevention Specialist credential. Course content will build knowledge and competency in organizational communication such as discussion facilitation, effective listening, consensus building, presentation delivery and public speaking.
CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute offers half-day and two-day courses for new, established and veteran drug prevention professionals in eight subject areas. Learn more about the training tracks, key speakers and other details about CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute.