June 25, 2015

Help Reduce Marijuana’s Harm in Your Community at CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute

CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute will offer a host of courses to help your community deal with marijuana use. CADCA’s long-time Public Policy Consultant, Sue Thau, will be teaching a course called “The Naked Truth about Marijuana from 1:30-5 p.m. Aug. 3. Thau will be joined by trainer Thomas J. Gorman, Director, Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA).

Participants in this course will gain a better understanding of how CADCA has translated the science on marijuana into major themes and developed prevention messages that resonate at the community level around each of them.

CADCA has invited distinguished subject matter experts to conduct courses that will go deeper into the research and information aligned to each one of the themes of (1) academic achievement and brain development, (2) public and highway safety, (3) productivity and the workforce, and (4) effects marijuana legalization has had on a number of key metrics in Colorado.

“I would say that CADCA has a very robust fleet of courses on marijuana related issues, that will include nationally recognized experts across all aspects of this issue to include: the NIDA science; the findings from the newest Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Report; how to collect your local data from a baseline to track the impacts of changes in marijuana policy; a robust examination of employment issues related to marijuana policy changes; how to best deal with highway safety and other impaired driving impacts and issues; what coalitions have learned about how to address the myriad policy implications of the changing landscape in their states and communities; and how to have a community conversation about this issue with grassroots leaders that is based on the latest evidence and science,” Thau stated.

CADCA’s marijuana prevention courses include:

“Measuring Marijuana’s Impact Locally: Trends and the Eight Enforcement Priority Areas,” featuring Gorman as the trainer, is from 8:30 a.m. to Noon Aug. 4. Participants will become familiar with the role that coalitions can play in collecting local information that aligns with these priority areas and how changes in marijuana law might impact important state and local metrics. This workshop will also provide an overview of marijuana trends, specifically marijuana concentrates, produced with new and dangerous extraction methods that elevate their THC content and are an increasing concern to law enforcement and public health officials.

“Marijuana and Kids’ Brains—What’s the Real Buzz? An Update on Marijuana Research: Effects on Adolescent Brain and Behavior,” will be taught by The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Aug. 4, 1:30- 5 p.m. Marijuana affects brain development, and when it is used heavily by young people, its effects on thinking and memory may last a long time or even be permanent. This power session will highlight current and planned NIDA-support research to understand how and why marijuana use impacts adolescent brains and how what we are learning can enhance community-based education and prevention efforts.

“Marijuana’s Impact on Highway Safety: Drugged Driving” will be facilitated by Stephen K. Talpins, JD, Vice President, Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc.; Rumberger, Kirk and Caldwell, P.A.; and Joanne Thomka, Director, National District Attorneys Association, Aug. 5, 8:30 a.m. to Noon. Participants will learn about the latest science behind driving under the influence of drugs with an emphasis on the effects of marijuana-induced impairment and issues surrounding measuring levels of the drug to prove impairment. Additionally, these presenters will go deeper into the science about marijuana’s impact on public safety and the associated costs to communities.

“Marijuana’s Impact on the Workplace,” presented by the Department of Labor, Aug. 5 from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Participants will explore the science around marijuana’s impact on employee productivity. Also, the presenter will discuss strategies for businesses to address liability issues and modify drug-free workplace policies considering the medical and legalized marijuana landscape.

“Adapting to the Marijuana Legalization Movement: Lessons Learned From the Field and Responding to the Rhetoric.” Trainers are Pat Bird, Prevention Manager, Utah County Dept. of Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment; Debra Williams, Better Brodhead; and Erica Leary, Program Manager, North Coastal Prevention Coalition. This course is on the final day of the Mid-Year Training Institute, Aug. 6, and is from 8:30 a.m. to Noon. During this session, participants will hear from those coalition professionals and community leaders who have been working proactively to deal with these issues in their states and communities. This course will offer participants an interactive opportunity to engage in mock community discussions on this topic and practice responding to mainstream rhetoric.

Held Aug. 2-6 in Indianapolis, CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute is a unique, intensive training opportunity offering half-day and two-day courses to expand your knowledge in prevention science and improve your skills in implementing evidence-based strategies. The CADCA Mid-Year provides in-depth, skills-building training courses that allow for concentrated instruction, group practice, and knowledge application – the kind of adult learning experience that is the hallmark of CADCA events. More than 1,600 attendees are expected for this one-of-a-kind, coalition-specific training opportunity.

Learn more about the training tracks, key speakers and other details about CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute.

Register today.

Don’t forget to book your hotel room now before your first choice sells out. The deadline is July 10th.


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