The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vital Signs addresses a single, important public health topic each month. This month’s edition presents their latest findings on youth exposure to e-cigarette advertising. They also highlight strategies to prevent youth exposure to e-cigarette advertising and youth e-cigarette use.
The use of e-cigarettes among U.S. youth has increased considerably since 2011. Exposure to advertisements depicting e-cigarettes might contribute to increased e-cigarette use among youth. CDC analyzed nationally representative data to estimate the prevalence of e-cigarette advertisements among middle school and high school students in the U.S. Four sources of exposure were assessed: retail stores, Internet, TV and movies, and newspapers and magazines.
Key points in the Vital Signs report include:
- Approximately 18.3 million U.S. middle school and high school students were exposed to at least one source of e-cigarette advertising in 2014.
- Approximately half of all middle school and high school students (an estimated 14.4 million students) were exposed to e-cigarette advertisements in retail stores.
- Approximately one third of middle school and high school students were exposed to e-cigarette advertisements on the Internet (10.5 million), on TV or at the movies (9.6 million), or while reading newspapers or magazines (8.0 million).
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