You are probably familiar with the Drug-Free Communities grants, but the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) wants coalitions to know about their other funding opportunities to enhance your coalitions’ work.
SAMHSA has awarded up to $649 million in funding over several years for programs providing crucial prevention and treatment services addressing the behavioral health needs of children, adolescents, young adults, and their families. These programs address a wide range of behavioral health issues affecting young people and families including, suicide prevention, substance abuse prevention, HIV-AIDS prevention, and serious emotional disturbance.
The programs address behavioral health needs stemming from a wide variety of circumstances including trauma and inadequate access to proper health care or other support systems.
One of the programs, Project AWARE, was developed as part of the Obama Administration’s “Now is the Time” initiative to expand and improve behavioral health services to children and youth – including youth who may be experiencing serious mental illness. SAMHSA’s youth mental and substance use disorder prevention programs work to ensure that children and youth in need of behavioral health services receive help as early as possible.
“These SAMHSA grant programs are essential investments in the behavioral health of our young people and our future,” said SAMHSA Acting Administrator Kana Enomoto. “We must do everything we can through prevention and treatment efforts to ensure that our children are free from mental and substance use disorders, and given every opportunity to live happy, productive lives.”
The grant programs included in this SAMHSA effort are:
• Cooperative Agreements for State-Sponsored Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention (PPHF-2015) – 12 grantees receiving up to $736,000 each year for over five years. Up to $8.7 million for all grantees each year over five years.
• Campus Suicide Prevention Grant – 22 grantees receiving up to $102,000 each year for over three years. Up to $2.1 million for all grantees each year over three years.
• “Now is the Time” Project AWARE – Community Grants (NITT – AWARE – C) – 70 grantees receiving up to $125,000 each year for up to three years. Up to $8.6 million for all grantees each year over three years.
• Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program – 188 grantees receiving up to $125,000 per year over five years. Up to $23.5 million for all grantees each year over five years.
• Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Mentoring Program – 20 grantees receiving up to 75,000 each year over two years. Up to $1.5 million for all grantees each year over two years.
• Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success (SPF-PFS) – 31 grantees receiving up to $2.5 million each year over five years. Up to $38.7 million for all grantees each year over five years.
• Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) Partnerships with Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) (MSI CBO) – 34 grantees receiving up to $300,000 each year over three years. Up to $10 million for all grantees each year over three years.
• Capacity Building Initiative (CBI) for Substance Abuse (SA) and HIV Prevention Services for At-Risk Racial/Ethnic Minority Youth and Young Adults (HIV Capacity Building Initiative (HIV CBI)) – 54 grantees receiving up to $284,000 each year over five years. Up to $15.3 million for all grantees each year over five years.
• Cooperative Agreements for Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health, State/Tribal Expansion Grants, Project LAUNCH Expansion Grants) –5 grantees receiving up to $680,000 each year over four years. Up to $3.4 million for all grantees each year over four years.
• Statewide Family Network Program – 5 grantees receiving up to $95,000 each year over three years. Up to $475,000 for all grantees each year over three years.
• Cooperative Agreements for Expansion and Sustainability of Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances (System of Care Expansion and Sustainability Grants) — 24 grantees receiving between $1 million to $3 million each year for up to four years. Up to $48 million for all grantees in year one of the award and up to $20 million in years two, three, and four.
• Cooperative Agreements for State Adolescent and Transitional Aged Youth Treatment Enhancement and Dissemination Implementation (State Youth Treatment – Implementation) – 11 grantees receiving up to $800,000 each year over three years. Up to $8.6 million for all grantees each year over three years.
• Cooperative Agreements for State and Adolescent and Transitional Aged Youth Treatment Enhancement and Dissemination Planning (State Youth Treatment – Planning) – 13 grantees receiving up to $500,000 each year over two years. Up to $3.8 million for all grantees in year one of the award and up to $2.5 million in year two.
The actual award amounts may vary, depending on the availability of funds.
For more information on SAMHSA grants, visit