CADCA is pleased to announce the Call for Presentations for our 26th National Leadership Forum. This four-day conference is practice-based and aims to bring together close to 3,000 participants representing community anti-drug coalitions from all regions of the country and internationally, government leaders, youth, prevention specialists, addiction treatment professionals, addiction recovery advocates, researchers, law enforcement professionals, and faith-based leaders to create and maintain safe, healthy and drug-free communities globally. The Call for Presentations is open to all community anti-drug coalitions; community-based prevention organizations; government agencies with a focus on substance abuse, mental health, criminal justice, public health, public safety, and related disciplines; coalition sector member organizations; and other organizations with an interest in substance abuse prevention and advocacy. Presentations will be offered during 75-minute workshop periods offered on Tuesday and Thursday of the National Leadership Forum. The first person presenting in a workshop receives a complimentary registration, the second person receives a discounted speaker rate of $400 and any additional speakers in the course will pay the applicable full rate. For more information, contact Samantha Moore at The submission deadline is 11:59 a.m. EST Oct. 13. To submit a proposal, click here. To help guide your proposal writing, here are the 2016 National Leadership Forum Training Session Tracks. Training sessions (seventy-five minutes in length) and Ideas Fair Poster Presentations will be programmed in the following thematic tracks and scheduled throughout the conference. Coalitions: A Collective Impact The coalition movement has achieved success in applying prevention research to practice through translation, adaptation and fieldwork. Training Sessions will feature coalitions and practitioners who have demonstrative evidence of population-level impact and communities’ stories where they have measured success. This track also will focus on using data to tell your story and convey results; using data findings to justify strategy implementation; developing and utilizing outcome-based logic models; utilization of qualitative data techniques for collecting assessment and outcome data; using the research behind coalition effectiveness to extract lessons learned; and proven approaches for replication of strategies in other communities. Coalitions: The Leadership Vantage Point Quality leadership is an essential element for longevity, viability and sustainability of community coalitions and their efforts. The coalition movement needs leaders representing many walks of life and for many critical responsibilities over vast periods of time if it is to stay in business long enough to make a difference. Leadership development, performance appraisal and succession planning are natural occurrences in top shelf corporations, business enterprises and outstanding non-profit organizations. In these hands-on training sessions, coalition leaders will learn to create leadership and succession development and action plans. Coalitions: Enterprising Successes Coalitions: Communicating Influence Coalitions: Landmarks of Collaboration Coalitions: Powerful Advocates Coalitions: Cross Sector Significance Coalitions: Dynamic Youth Champions
2016 National Leadership Forum Call for Presentations NOW OPEN, Tracks Announced
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