CADCA Publisher July 1, 2020

CEUs/CHES Credits at Virtual Mid-Year

Receive Continuing Education Unit Credits and a Certificate of Attendance

CADCA’s Virtual Mid-Year will offer Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits from George Mason University (GMU) and a Certificate of Attendance to attendees. CADCA has also applied for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) credits.*

Certificate of Attendance
A letter verifying attendance will be available to attendees who complete the 2020 Virtual Mid-Year Overall Feedback Survey.

Official CEU certificates are available by submitting requests to GMU. CEU forms will be made available during the event.

CHES Credits
CADCA has applied to be a designated provider of Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. CECH totals and instructions for receipt of CHES/Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES) credits will be provided closer to the start of Virtual Mid-Year.

*Attendees should confirm individual state or designation-specific documentation requirements. GMU pricing information is forthcoming. 

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