CADCA Издатель Июль 9, 2018

2000 общественных лидеров собрались в Институте полугодовой подготовки CADCA, чтобы изучить стратегии профилактики для борьбы с наркокризисом

ЧТО:                 CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) is holding its 17й annual Mid-Year Training Institute to convene approximately 2,000 substance abuse prevention and treatment specialists from across the world to discuss solutions to the most pressing public health challenges threatening communities. Featured speakers from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Управление по борьбе со злоупотреблением психоактивными веществами и психиатрическими услугами (SAMHSA) will share their strategic priorities. Plus, more than 90 training sessions will explore the latest science and evidence-based prevention strategies related to the opioid epidemic, marijuana, tobacco, and more. Mid-Year also welcomes more than 200 youth who will take part in CADCA Youth Leadership sessions – youth-led, adult-guided civic engagement training – where they’ll learn how to become drug prevention advocates and powerful community leaders.

КОГДА:                 July 15 – 19, 2018

ГДЕ:                Gaylord Palms | 6000 W. Osceola Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34746               


  • Monday, July 16 The Opening Plenary and Breakfast, and ONDCP Town Hall held in the evening, will feature several renowned experts:

    • Генерал Артур Т. Дин, Chairman and CEO, CADCA, will discuss the state of the prevention field and its future;
    • Джим Кэрролл, Deputy Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy will keynote the Opening Plenary on Monday and participate in the ONDCP Town Hall on Monday evening, answering questions from attendees about the program and the field.
    • Сью Тау, Public Policy Consultant, CADCA, will address attendees about policy updates and news from the Hill.

To view all the training sessions and speakers at the Mid-Year Training Institute, visit

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