CADCA Editor Setembro 12, 2024

CADCA Leads Letter in Support of Rep. Mary Miller’s Farm Bill Amendment

CADCA drafted and worked to get 51 state and national organizations to sign onto a letter addressed to House and Senate leadership in both the Agriculture and Appropriations Committees expressing support for Rep. Mary Miller’s (R-IL-15th) amendment that was voted favorably out of the House Agriculture Committee on May 23rd. This language changes the definition of hemp to specifically exclude semi- synthetic cannabinoids that have similar effects to delta-9 THC and closes other undented loopholes that have allowed the proliferation of other highly intoxicating hemp products. This amendment was also included in the House Agriculture Appropriations Bill voted out of the Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food and Drug Administration Subcommittee on June 11th. A link to the full letter can be found aqui.

CADCA is thankful for the broad support this letter has gathered, but our job is not done. The inclusion of this amendment in the markup is a monumental first step in the long legislative process that still must happen for the Farm Bill to be signed into law. CADCA will keep the field informed as the Farm Bill moves through the legislative process.

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