Wednesday, February 26, 2020 – CADCA proudly presented this installment of its Research Into Action webinar series on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 2 pm EST featuring Dr. Julia Dilley discussing her recent article, “Community-level policy responses to state marijuana legalization in Washington State”, which was published in International Journal of Drug Policy in 2017. Dr. Dilley discussed her and her colleagues’ article’s findings regarding local regulation of marijuana sales following state legalization in Washington, as well as preliminary data from other states. The article found that 125 cities and 30 counties in Washington State passed local ordinances to address recreational marijuana retail sales and the most commonly enacted policies were zoning restrictions, limits on business hours, and bans on retail sales. Dr. Dilley also discussed how her findings can be applied to coalition work and what local policy options are available to coalitions addressing marijuana sales in their communities.
Recursos adicionales:
Washington State Municipal Research Services Center (MRSC): Visit MRSC’s website to view examples of local marijuana regulation policies and an interactive map
Public Health Institute Getting it Right From the Start: This cannabis regulation project has model local ordinances (for California, but can be adapted for use in other states), that can be found here
Acerca de la investigación en acción:
El equipo de Evaluación e Investigación de CADCA lo invita a unirse a nuestra serie de seminarios web bimensuales Conversaciones: Poner la investigación en acción, el puente entre la investigación académica y los esfuerzos diarios de la coalición. A lo largo del año, moderamos conversaciones en vivo con expertos en prevención del abuso de sustancias y miembros participantes de la coalición. Esta es su oportunidad de conocer las últimas investigaciones y sus implicaciones para el trabajo de la coalición y hacer preguntas pertinentes a los expertos en sus campos. Acceda a la lista de reproducción completa de Research Into Action.
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