Attention community coalitions! If your coalition has not completed CADCA’s 2015 Annual Survey of Coalitions, we have good news. The opportunity to participate has been extended to Friday, May 29el. Do not miss out on the chance for your coalition to be included in the most comprehensive web-based assessment of substance abuse prevention coalitions across the country.
CADCA uses the Annual Survey to advance the movement by bringing a national focus to the local work of coalitions. The Annual Survey data helps CADCA advocate for coalition funding in Congress and promote community coalitions as vehicles for comprehensive community change.
The information collected through the Annual Survey mobilizes our forces for collective action by the creation of a national coalition database not only for use by CADCA, but also by coalitions, state and federal partners, and researchers. We need your information to make this comprehensive source of coalition information even better. Your participation increases our collective understanding of coalitions, including what makes them effective and how they contribute to reductions in substance abuse.
Coalitions completing the Annual Survey will be eligible to win great prizes, such as Amazon Fires, free registrations to CADCA’s 2015 Mid-Year Training Institute, and CADCA Coalition Memberships.
For more information on the Annual Survey, please visit
To receive your personalized link or ask any questions about the Annual Survey, please email or call Allison Jacobs 1-800-542-2322, ext. 262.
Note: CADCA’s Annual Survey is for ALL coalitions fighting alcohol, tobacco and/or drug use in their communities – you do not have to be a member of CADCA to participate. Additionally, there is only one Annual Survey per coalition. CADCA requests the person in charge of the day-to-day operations of your coalition (director, CEO, executive director, etc.) fill out the Annual Survey.