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octubre 5, 2021
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CADCA’s Drug-Free Kids Campaign Awards Dinner: A Celebration of Prevention and Progress
The annual CADCA Drug-Free Kids Campaign Awards Dinner stands as a hallmark event in the ongoing fight against substance misuse, bringing together leaders, advocates, and influencers committed to creating a safer, drug-free future for America’s youth.
Congratulations to the 2024 Blue Ribbon Coalitions!
CADCA is proud to congratulate the 11 coalitions that were named 2024 Blue Ribbon Coalitions as part of Phase 1.
Prestigious Federal Grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy Awarded to Seven Arkansas Coalitions to Address Local Substance Use Problems
Alexandria, VA - The Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership (ARORP) is proud to announce that seven of thirteen Coalition Partnership Empowerment (COPE) coalitions who attended CADCA’s new Opioid Coalition Academy have been awarded the prestigious Drug Free Communities (DFC) Grant from the Office of National Drug Control Program.