CADCA Editor junio 30, 2017

2017 Conozca más antes de participar en el concurso de redes sociales

#Bantes de servir

Excessive alcohol use negatively impacts our society in a myriad of ways. Alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorder cause major damage at the individual, family and community levels.  Nearly 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually and alcohol misuse costs the U.S. an estimated $259 billion.  Thanks to research funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), we know more about alcohol and its impacts than ever before. Now is the time for advocates to demonstrate their social media acumen and raise awareness on this critical issue. 

This is why CADCA and NIAAA teamed up to launch a social media competition. The idea of keeping information bite-sized or “snackable” to quickly understand and share with others is already a widely accepted marketing and communications strategy. So we asked coalitions to share NIAAA’s facts with the masses in this exciting way.

It’s easy to join the Know More Before You Pour social media competition! Create a compelling social media campaign using one of NIAAA’s facts and you can win a cash award and be nationally recognized.  Your entry will be reviewed by a panel of judges and 10 outstanding coalitions will be awarded $1,000 each to carry out their social media campaign. Here’s how to join:

1.    Revise los datos de la NIAAA and select one for your campaign.

2.    Develop a communication plan, incorporating the use of the hashtag #BeforeYouPour. (Think about how to: amplify your reach, create engagement, encourage others to utilize, measure your impact, etc.)

3.    Create at least one social media graphic.

  • Entries must use ONLY the statistics provided in the materials and not other statistics – even if they are from NIAAA materials such as our website. Any entries that use statistics other than the ones provided will be disqualified.
  • Entries must add a unique message related to the statistic – repeating the statistic in the graphic is not sufficient.

4.    Complete el formulario de envío, including your plan and creative graphic, and submit by September 15.

Coalitions can submit up to three ideas.  However, only one entry per coalition will be selected. A panel of communications experts from NIAAA and CADCA will identify outstanding submissions. These outstanding entries will be featured at CADCA’s National Leadership Forum, February 5-8, 2018. 

Coalitions, get creative and help educate America on why it’s critical to KNOW MORE BEFORE YOU POUR! 

Have a question? Check out our Preguntas frecuentes. Couldn’t find the answer you were looking for? Contact Relja Ugrinic at

Last year, over 100 entries were submitted and CADCA and NIAAA are excited to recognize these notable entries.

Know More Before You Pour Notable Entries:

Riverhead Community Coalition for Safe and Drug-Free Youth
Riverhead, NY

Shawnee Transformation Youth Coalition
Louisville, KY

Huron Valley Community Coalition
Highland, MI

Foothills Drug-Free Coalition
Enumclaw, WA


Hamilton Area Community Coalition
Oneida, NY



Watertown Youth Coalition
Watertown, MA



Coalición de Prevención de la Costa Norte
Vista, CA



Texans Standing Tall
Austin, TX


Henrico Too Smart 2 Start
Henrico, VA



Wellness Coalition
Vermillion, SD



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