Июль 2, 2018

Research Into Action Webinar: Secondhand Smoke from Marijuana: The Return of a Familiar Problem

Wednesday, July 25, 2018 – Dr. Matthew Springer will discuss his article entitled “One Minute of Marijuana Secondhand Smoke Exposure Substantially Impairs Vascular Endothelial Function”, which can be found in the August 2016 issue of Journal of the American Heart Association. Dr. Springer’s article presents his and his colleagues’ findings regarding the harmful health effects of exposure to marijuana secondhand smoke. The researchers measured the effects of marijuana secondhand smoke on the cardiovascular system of rats and found that the effects are very similar to the effects of tobacco secondhand smoke, which research has shown to be harmful. Dr. Springer will also discuss the policy and health implications of the paper’s findings in his presentation.

Additional Resources for Coalitions

National Academies report on health effects of cannabis: https://nationalacademies.org/hmd/reports/2017/health-effects-of-cannabis-and-cannabinoids.aspx

American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation: https://no-smoke.org/smokefree-threats/marijuana-smoke/

Dr. Matthew Springer’s lab at UCSF Division of Cardiology: https://cardiolab.ucsf.edu/molcardiolab/

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