Wednesday, March 14, 2018 – Steven C. Fiala, MPH, of Oregon Health Authority, discussed his article entitled, “Exposure to Marijuana Marketing After Legalization of Retail Sales: Oregonians’ Experiences, 2015-2016,” which can be found in the January 2018 edition of American Journal of Public Health. Mr. Fiala’s article presents his and his colleagues’ findings regarding retail marijuana advertising in Oregon in the year following legalization and the regulation of marijuana advertising. The researchers found that more than half of adults in Oregon reported seeing marijuana advertising in the past month and that young adults (aged 18-24) and people who do not use marijuana were exposed marijuana advertising at the same level as other groups. The researchers also found that youth were exposed to online marijuana advertising at higher rates than adults. Mr. Fiala also discussed the policy implications of this study, particularly regarding potential restrictions of pro-marijuana use advertising in order to protect youth.
Additional resources for coalitions:
- Public Health Post article:
- Oregon Marijuana Report:
- Oregon Public Health & Marijuana Summit:
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