Did you know that one in 25 youth ages 12 through 17 has abused cough medicine to get high from its dextromethorphan ingredient, and one in 5 young adults has abused a prescription drug? Help raise awareness of the dangers of prescription (Rx) drug abuse and over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicine abuse during National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month in October, and take part in the CADCA 50 Challenge.
Through the CADCA 50 Challenge, we’re asking you to host a town hall meeting or another type of educational event about BOTH prescription drug abuse and OTC cough medicine abuse in your community during National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month in October. One coalition will even be named CADCA’s Dose of Prevention Award winner and receive this honor at the National Leadership Forum in February in Washington, D.C.
So, are you up for the challenge? If so, please complete the form здесь.
Here are a few requirements for your event:
- It must address BOTH prescription drug abuse and over-the-counter cough medicine abuse.
- It must be held during the month of October, National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month.
- During your event, you must distribute the Preventing Teen Cough Medicine Abuse brochure, available in English and Spanish at: https://preventmedabuse.org/.
Learn more about National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month and download helpful resources здесь. You can use #NMAAM to post about your events on social media.