Nearly 2,000 substance abuse prevention and treatment specialists from around the world will convene in Atlanta, July 23 – 27 for CADCA’s (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) 16й annual Mid-Year Training Institute. The week-long training, held at the Marriott Marquis, will teach participants how to address one of our nation’s biggest public health challenges – drug use.
CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute is a one-of-a-kind intensive training opportunity, offering more than 100 ninety-minute, half-day and full day training sessions geared towards helping participants find solutions to their community’s toughest substance use and misuse problems. For the first time, four International training sessions will be offered and open to all attendees, including sessions offered in Spanish.
“Mid-Year is a unique professional development opportunity for anyone trying to prevent and reduce substance use and misuse, and its related problems, in their community,” said Gen. Arthur T. Dean, CADCA’s Chairman and CEO. “After four days of intensive training, participants will return to their communities with new skills and strategies, and a clearer roadmap to create environments where young people can thrive.”
CADCA’s Mid-Year will cover a wide range of topics – everything from how to prevent prescription drug misuse and reduce heroin use to how to create tobacco-free environments, reduce impaired driving and develop policies to reduce marijuana use, synthetic drug use and underage drinking.
This year, CADCA welcomes Acting Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration Chuck Rosenberg and Kana Enomoto, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, as keynote speakers. For the first time in CADCA history, a youth will be speaking at the Opening Plenary: Carlos Martinez, CADCA Youth Trainer.
Кроме того, участники услышат мнение ряда известных экспертов в области профилактики, лечения и исследований в области употребления наркотиков, таких как:
- Richard Baum, Acting Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy;
- Фрэн Хардинг, директор Центра профилактики злоупотребления психоактивными веществами и службы охраны психического здоровья Администрации;
- Шон Фернс, начальник отдела по связям с общественностью Управления по борьбе с наркотиками;
- Lisa McElhaney, President of the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators;
- Maggie Barchine, Director of Communications at National Alcohol Beverage Control Association;
- И многие другие, в том числе первоклассные инструкторы и исследователи CADCA.
The Mid-Year also welcomes over 200 youth from around the country who will take part in CADCA’s youth-led, adult-guided civic engagement training, where they’ll learn how to become drug prevention advocates and powerful community leaders.