Date: March 9, 2024
Event: Take Back Your 10 (TB10), Walking Around the Issue
Dear Community Members,
We are thrilled to share the inspiring activities undertaken by the vibrant youth of Maryland as part of the Take Back Your 10 (TB10) youth movement, focusing on the prevention and control of commercial tobacco. On March 9, 2024, Maryland youth engaged in an eye-opening activity titled “Walking Around the Issue: Where Tobacco is Available in Your Community,” aimed at raising awareness about the presence of tobacco retailers in our communities and its impact on our youth.
Activity Spotlight: “Walking Around the Issue: Where Tobacco is Available in Your Community”
As part of TB10’s mission to prevent teen tobacco usage, our youth engaged in a two-part virtual activity designed to illuminate the accessibility of tobacco products in our neighborhoods. Here’s what they accomplished:
- Virtual Exploration: Maryland youth embarked on a virtual journey, scouring the areas surrounding youth-oriented venues in their communities. With a keen eye, they identified potential sellers of tobacco products and reflected on the proximity of these retailers to places frequented by our youth.
- Data Analysis: With data and determination, our youth looked closely at how many tobacco sellers there are and how close they are to schools and other youth-oriented venues. By comparing these metrics within our county and with neighboring counties, they gained invaluable insights into the ease of access to tobacco products in Maryland.
Join TB10:
Take Back Your 10 (TB10) is recruiting youth and their trusted adult advisors to join our Youth Statewide Advisory Council to lead commercial tobacco control activities in Maryland. TB10 is CADCA led with the sponsoring support of the Maryland Department of Health’s Center for Tobacco Prevention and Control.
To learn more about TB10 contact:
Leslie Ortiz-Cadwallader | or sign up for more information at:
Take Back Your 10 (TB10) – Information Request
Важная заметка:
It’s essential to clarify that any mention of tobacco in this activity pertains specifically to commercial tobacco products. We acknowledge and respect the cultural significance of ceremonial and traditional tobacco used by indigenous populations.