mai 26, 2021

Research Into Action Webinar: Administering Youth Public Health Surveys in Rural Communities

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 – CADCA was proud to present this installment of its Research Into Action webinar series on Wednesday, June 9, from 2-3 pm EDT. Guest speaker Leonardo Kattari, MSW, discussed his recent article, “Community-Driven Approach for Youth Health Survey Administration and Data Utilization,” published in Health Promotion Practice in 2021. Mr. Kattari discussed the article’s findings regarding community engagement strategies to promote local school participation in statewide youth public health surveys, particularly schools in rural communities. He also presented on the importance of localized data in selecting effective interventions to improve youth health and how coalitions can apply these findings in their own youth survey efforts.

Ressources additionnelles:

  • Community-Driven Approach for Youth Health Survey Administration and Data Utilization (Health Promotion Practice): Click here to read an electronic copy of the article referenced in the presentation.
  • Leonardo Kattari’s Work: Click ici or here to learn more about the presenter’s work.
  • Community Engaged Research: Check out the University of Michigan’s website to learn more about how communities can be more involved in research targeting local health issues.
  • Health Promotion Practice Notes: Health Promotion Practice provides additional resources related to its published articles, including a podcast – check it out ici.

À propos de la recherche en action :
L'équipe d'évaluation et de recherche de CADCA vous invite à vous joindre à notre série de webinaires bimensuels Conversations : Mettre la recherche en action - le pont entre la recherche universitaire et les efforts quotidiens de la coalition. Tout au long de l'année, nous animons des conversations en direct avec des experts en prévention de l'abus de substances et des membres participants de la coalition. C'est l'occasion pour vous d'en savoir plus sur les dernières recherches et leurs implications pour le travail de la coalition et de poser des questions pertinentes à des experts dans leurs domaines.

S'il vous plaît contactez pour toute question concernant cette série de webinaires.

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