CADCA Издатель Май 4, 2021

Presenter: FAQs

Дом | Pre-Recording Your Session | Registration Details Templates | What to Expect When Presenting


Часто задаваемые вопросы

Who do I notify of new or replacement presenters?
Please email full names, titles, organizations and email addresses of updated presenters AND who they are replacing with your session title and ID to Kahlee Yeldell at

I have a question about my or my other presenter’s registration. Who do I contact?
For questions about registration or access to the Mid-Year platform, email события

How do I locate my Session ID?
Please email Kahlee Yeldell at

How can I make sure my technical equipment is compatible with the platform?
Please see tech specifications guide.



If you have not trained at one of CADCA’s two подпись virtual events during the last year, here is a brief recap of how presentations operated: 

Mid-Year 2020: For last year’s Mid-Year (i.e., CADCA’s first large virtual training event) all training sessions occurred much like they would happen during an in-person event, meaning there was no pre-recorded content. Presenters logged on about 10 minutes before the start of their session, used the presenter view controls from their respective computers (i.e., camera, microphone and screen sharing) and delivered their presentations, all while answering attendee questions as they came in through the public chat box in each training session “room.”  There was a polling tool that presenters used to input questions and responses ahead of time, and the polls were launched during their live session.  

Forum 2021: For this past February’s National Leadership Forum, CADCA adopted the model that has currently become an industry standard in the virtual realm. Out of over 200 training sessions, about 85 percent featured some amount of pre-recorded content. For the 75-minute sessions, all presenters were logged-in at their scheduled time, pre-recorded content ran first and вn during the remaining time, presenters turned on their cameras and microphones and either 1) presented additional content or 2) answered questions entered in the chat or submitted through the “submit a question” box.  

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