Maio 2, 2019

Research Into Action Webinar: Rethinking Addiction

Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 1 pm EDT – D. Rose Ewald, Dr. Robert W. Strack, and Dr. Muhsin Michael Orsini discussed their article entitled “Rethinking Addiction”, which was published in 2019 in Global Pediatric Health. This article presents their findings regarding chronic stress, brain development, and risks for substance use in adolescence. The article focuses on the effects of adverse early life experiences on behavioral choices and health outcomes and the effects of chronic stress on neurological development and epigenetic changes. The article then discusses how these factors influence addictive behaviors in adolescence and how early interventions can reverse the neurological changes developed in response to adverse early life experiences. Ms. Ewald, Dr. Strack, and Dr. Orsini also discussed how substance misuse coalitions can apply their findings to prevent addiction in adolescents in their communities.

To download and read the article, please click the link below:

Ewald DR, Strack RW, Orsini MM. Rethinking addiction. Global Pediatric Health. 2019;6:1–16.

Recursos adicionais:

NIDA: Preventing Drug Use among Children and Adolescents: A Research-Based Guide for Parents, Educators, and Community Leaders

NIH: Evidence-Based Interventions for Preventing Substance Use Disorders in Adolescents

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