Spend a work day with CADCA’s National Coalition Institute’s Evaluation and Research team learning how relevant research can maximize your community impact.The course, “Origins of Prevention: How Prevention Research Can Make Your Coalition More Effective,” is being offered Aug. 3 at CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute.
You can also take courses in a host of other substance abuse issues at the CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute in Indianapolis Aug. 2-6.
Trainers for this session include Dr. William Geary, Ph.D., Deputy Director of Evaluation and Research; Andrea de la Flor, Senior Manager of Evaluation and Research; and Allison Jacobs, Manager of Evaluation and Research. They will engage coalitions in an all-day training session highlighting relevant research supporting the use of coalitions as a means to effectively manage prevention in communities.
“The course is designed to help coalitions better understand if what they are doing in their communities aligns with the best practices from prevention research,” Dr. Geary said. “While coalition members ‘believe’ they are following best practices, this course is designed to help them make a case based more on research, that prevention, if done properly, does work. The course provides them with tools to help them make the case for prevention in their communities.”
For the first time, CADCA will present an Advanced Coalition Academy, Aug. 4-6, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Advanced Coalition Academy provides participating coalitions with an opportunity to apply the latest research in the prevention and related fields, and to network with other high achieving coalitions. Attendance is limited to the first 75 qualified registrants (three maximum per coalition). Clique aqui for all the details.
Realizado de 2 a 6 de agosto em Indianápolis, o CADCA's Mid-Year Training Institute é uma oportunidade única e intensiva de treinamento que oferece cursos de meio dia e dois dias para expandir seu conhecimento em ciência da prevenção e melhorar suas habilidades na implementação de estratégias baseadas em evidências. O CADCA Mid-Year oferece cursos de treinamento aprofundados e de desenvolvimento de habilidades que permitem instrução concentrada, prática em grupo e aplicação de conhecimento - o tipo de experiência de aprendizado de adultos que é a marca registrada dos eventos CADCA. Mais de 1.600 participantes são esperados para esta oportunidade de treinamento única e específica para a coalizão.
Learn more about the training tracks, key speakers and other details about CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute.
Don’t forget to book your hotel room now before your first choice sells out. The deadline is July 10th.