CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) leaders will travel to Vienna, Austria to attend the 61rua session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) held at the Vienna International Centre March 12-16. General Arthur T. Dean, Chairman & CEO, CADCA and Eric Siervo, Vice President, International Programs are scheduled to present at this year’s CND session. CADCA Youth Trainer, Ananya Pati is also scheduled to attend.
“We are excited to present the CADCA model at the CND session and look forward to partnering with other nations to determine the most effective strategies to strengthen communities globally in preventing substance use,” General Arthur T. Dean, Chairman & CEO, CADCA. “The global representation at this session is impressive and includes government and prevention leaders from Germany, Norway, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China, Portugal, Italy to name a few.” The CND programa fornece uma lista completa das sessões disponíveis.
“The CND session provides a great forum to not only share information about best practices in the prevention field, but also network with prevention professionals from around the world,” said Eric Siervo, Vice President, International Programs, CADCA.
O CND foi criado pelo Conselho Económico e Social (ECOSOC) em 1946 para ajudar o ECOSOC na supervisão da aplicação dos tratados internacionais de controlo de drogas. Em 1991, a Assembleia Geral expandiu a supervisão da CND para funcionar como órgão dirigente do Escritório das Nações Unidas sobre Drogas e Crime (UNODC). A CND reúne-se anualmente para adoptar uma vasta gama de decisões e as reuniões contínuas da CND são regularmente convocadas para fornecer orientação política ao UNODC.
The CND is composed of 53 Member States elected by the ECOSOC for a period of four years. The distribution of seats among the regional groups is as follows: 11 members from African States, 11 from Asian States,1 10 from Latin American and Caribbean States, 6 from Eastern European States and 14 from Western European and other States.