Thursday, August 26, 2021 – CADCA along with its Geographic Health Equity Alliance presented the latest installment of CADCA’s Research Into Action webinar series on Thursday, August 26, featuring Dr. Jordan Alpert. Dr. Alpert discussed his recent article, “Vaping and Instagram: A content analysis of e-Cigarette Posts Using the Content Appealing to Youth (CAY) Index», focusing specifically on the characteristics of popular social media posts related to ENDS on Instagram. He also presented the implications these findings have for public health programs addressing media literacy skills to educate young adults about ENDS content viewed on social media.
À propos de la recherche en action :
L'équipe d'évaluation et de recherche de CADCA vous invite à vous joindre à notre série de webinaires bimensuels Conversations : Mettre la recherche en action - le pont entre la recherche universitaire et les efforts quotidiens de la coalition. Tout au long de l'année, nous animons des conversations en direct avec des experts en prévention de l'abus de substances et des membres participants de la coalition. C'est l'occasion pour vous d'en savoir plus sur les dernières recherches et leurs implications pour le travail de la coalition et de poser des questions pertinentes à des experts dans leurs domaines. Accéder à la playlist complète de Research Into Action.
The Geographic Health Equity Alliance (GHEA), a CADCA initiative, is a CDC funded National Network dedicated to reducing geographic health disparities related to tobacco and cancer. We define geographic health disparities as the differences in health behaviors and health outcomes related to where people live, work and play. Our network supports the implementation of effective public health practices in places that need them the most. We work closely with state tobacco and cancer programs and their partners to provide training and support on how to reduce.