Mark your calendars: CADCA-TV has returned and will feature an hour-long program about underage drinking. The show will debut Sept. 10e and be available on demand.
Watch “The Sobering Consequences of Underage Drinking,” to learn about the latest trends in underage drinking including the science behind the statistics, some of the serious consequences that come from underage and binge drinking, and what coalition members can do about it.
The program features Sean C. Briscoe, Patrol Sergeant, Sturgis, S.D. Police Department; Bob Brewer, MD, MSPH, Epidemiologist, Lead, Alcohol Program, Division of Adult and Community Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and Kara Graveman, Executive Director, Action for the Betterment of the Community (ABC) in Sturgis, S.D. Mary Elizabeth Elliott, CADCA’s Vice-President of Communications, Membership and IT, serves at the program’s host.
Check back in Coalitions en ligne for the link to the video and instructions on how to approach your local public access channel about broadcasting the program.
CADCA’s New Strategizer 57 - Réduire les méfaits liés à l'alcool grâce à la responsabilité commerciale de l'hôte