Search Results for "synthetic drugs"

Coalitions in Action: New Coalition Prevents Crime with Youth Prevention Strategies

Si vous ne réussissez pas du premier coup, essayez, réessayez. Ce vieil adage a fonctionné pour la Troy Drug Free Community Coalition

CADCA Awards Congressional Leadership Award to Members of Congress Making a Difference

CADCA Awards Congressional Leadership Award to Members of Congress Making a Difference

2014 Monitoring the Future Survey Finds Teen Alcohol & Drug Use Declining; E-cigarette Use High, Marijuana Harm Perceptions Low

Youth use of alcohol and illicit drugs are steadily declining, but e-cigarette use is high and the perception that marijuana

L'étude Monitoring the Future de 2015 révèle que moins d'adolescents consomment des substances

The results from the 2015 Monitoring the Future study, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and conducted by

2015 Monitoring the Future study finds fewer teens using substances, more youth using e-cigs, using marijuana regularly

Washington, D.C. –The results from the 2015 Monitoring the Future study, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention Strategies

This publication provides an overview of the environmental strategies approach to community problem solving and includes examples of efforts where

Comprendre votre influence

Influence: the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others. Coalitions and

Stratège 12 – Les coalitions organisent des réunions municipales

Apprenez à planifier et à promouvoir une réunion municipale efficace et à traiter les informations discutées.

Introduction à l'évaluation : décrire votre communauté, collecter des données, analyser les problèmes et établir une feuille de route pour le changement

Ce manuel fournit aux coalitions antidrogue des lignes directrices claires pour définir leurs communautés et évaluer les besoins réels au sein de la communauté. Ce

Fondamentaux de la coalition

Think of it as an hour filled with the answers to the questions you’ve always wanted to ask about coalitions,