CADCA Éditeur juillet 13, 2018

Les dirigeants de coalitions du monde entier se préparent à participer à l'institut de formation de mi-année 2018 de la CADCA à Orlando, en Floride

The upcoming CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute is set to be the biggest yet with over 2,000 registered participants on their way to the city of Orlando, Florida during the week of July 15th – 19th. Of those attending, 75 individuals are arriving from 21 different countries spanning Latin America, Africa, Central Asia and Southeast Asia.

These participants are part of a global community coalition network trained by CADCA and comprised of national and local coordinators, volunteer coalition members and government officials working closely in-country to support their prevention work. Among those in attendance are local and national authorities including mayors, representatives from national drug control agencies and U.S. Embassy representatives.

For the first time, representatives from the République dominicaine, Equateur et Maurice will be in attendance and have the opportunity to network with more seasoned coalition representatives from countries such as Brésil, Mexique, Pérou, Tadjikistan, the Philippines et plus.

These delegations will also have the opportunity to present their work on applying the community coalition model within their country contexts and attend various training sessions. The Mexican, Peruvian et Puerto Rican teams will offer Spanish-language sessions on community assessment, sustainability and documenting coalition impact.

The Mid-Year Training Institute is sure to provide very diverse food for thought. For more information on the training event, follow CADCA on Twitter for live updates throughout the week.

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