Abril 22, 2020

Research Into Action Webinar: Substance Use, Academic Performance, and Academic Engagement Among High School Seniors

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 – CADCA is proud to present this installment of its Research Into Action webinar series on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 2 pm EST featuring Brittany Bugbee, MPH. She will discuss her recent article, “Substance Use, Academic Performance, and Academic Engagement Among High School Seniors,” which was published in Journal of School Health in 2019. 

Ms. Bugbee discussed her and her colleagues’ article’s findings regarding the effect of substance use on academic achievement among 12th grade students. The article found that past-year substance users had 2.71 greater odds of skipping school during the past month than lifetime non-users and 1.74 greater odds of having low grades. Ms. Bugbee also discussed the implications her findings have for coalitions addressing youth substance use and misuse in their communities.

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Sobre pesquisa em ação:

A equipe de avaliação e pesquisa da CADCA convida você a participar de nossa série de webinars bimensais Conversations: Putting Research into Action — a ponte entre a pesquisa acadêmica e os esforços diários de coalizão. Ao longo do ano, moderamos conversas ao vivo com especialistas em prevenção do uso indevido de substâncias e membros da coalizão participantes. Esta é sua oportunidade de aprender sobre as pesquisas mais recentes e suas implicações para o trabalho de coalizão e fazer perguntas pertinentes a especialistas em suas áreas. Acesse a lista de reprodução completa do Research Into Action.

Por favor entre em contato avaliação@cadca.org com qualquer dúvida sobre esta série de webinars.

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