Wednesday, October 23, 2019 – CADCA is proud to present this installment of its Research Into Action webinar series featuring Dr. Robert DuPont, Dr. Caroline DuPont, and Dr. Bertha Madras discussing their recent article, “Drug use among youth: National survey data support a common liability”, which was published in Preventative Medicine in 2018. Dr. DuPont, Dr. DuPont, and Dr. Madras discussed their article’s findings regarding the effects of the use of one substance on the probability of use of other substances among adolescents. The article found that youth who used cigarettes, marijuana, or alcohol in the past month were more likely to also report using another substance than non-using youth. Dr. DuPont, Dr. DuPont, and Dr. Madras also discussed the implications their findings have for coalition work and how coalitions can promote a message of no use of any substance among youth.
Recursos adicionais:
Institute of Behavior and Health, Inc.: Click aqui ou aqui to learn more about One Choice and the work of Dr. Robert DuPont and Dr. Caroline DuPont.
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH): Click aqui to learn more about this survey funded by SAMHSA and access data from the survey. The authors analyzed data from this survey in their research.
Monitoring the Future: Click aqui to learn more about this survey funded by NIDA and access data from the survey. The authors presented additional data from this survey in the webinar.
Sobre pesquisa em ação:
A equipe de Avaliação e Pesquisa do CADCA convida você a participar de nossa série bimestral de webinars Conversas: Colocando a Pesquisa em Ação - a ponte entre a pesquisa acadêmica e os esforços diários da coalizão. Ao longo do ano, moderamos conversas ao vivo com especialistas em prevenção do uso indevido de substâncias e membros participantes da coalizão. Esta é a sua oportunidade de aprender sobre as pesquisas mais recentes e suas implicações para o trabalho da coalizão e fazer perguntas pertinentes a especialistas em suas áreas. Acesse a lista de reprodução completa do Research Into Action.
Por favor entre em contato avaliaçã com qualquer dúvida sobre esta série de webinars.