Dezembro 11, 2018

Research Into Action Webinar: Eveningness and Later Sleep Timing Are Associated with Greater Risk for Alcohol and Marijuana Use in Adolescence

Wednesday, January 17, 2018 – Dr. Brant P. Hasler of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, discussed his article entitled, “Eveningness and Later Sleep Timing Are Associated with Greater Risk for Alcohol and Marijuana Use in Adolescence: Initial Findings from the National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescence Study”, which can be found in the June 2017 edition of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Dr. Hasler’s article presents his and his colleagues’ findings regarding the connection between later sleep timing preferences and later bedtimes and substance use among adolescents. The researchers found that a preference for later sleep-wake timing is associated with at-risk alcohol use, binge drinking, and past-year use of marijuana. Dr. Hasler also discussed how current school start times in the U.S. are not compatible with the preference for later sleep-wake timing found in many adolescents and that it leads to shorter sleep duration, which is also associated with bingeing and past-year use of marijuana.

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