Has your coalitions made a Monumental Impact? Let everyone know by answering CADCA’s call for proposals. The deadline is this Tuesday, Oct. 13º at Noon.
CADCA is requesting training session proposals addressing the latest research findings, cutting-edge program successes, lessons learned or problems solved. Please review the Call for Proposals information online before submitting your proposal. Please note that all training sessions will run 75 minutes in length.
Submit a proposal here.
Coalition Ideas Fair Call for Submissions
Looking back at all of your coalition successes, what is one outstanding skill/strength that your coalition has, or one strategy or intervention your coalition has implemented that you believe would be useful for other coalitions to apply to their own work? That is precisely the kind of question you will want to consider as you develop your presentation submission for this one-of-a-kind sharing and networking opportunity. The process of putting a presentation together for the Coalition Ideas Fair is unique in that it requires you to not simply share your success, but to dig deeper into the process for that success, and to break it down into bite-sized pieces of step-by-step information for others to take back to their own communities.
Clique aqui to submit your “Idea” for consideration. The deadline to submit is also Tuesday, Oct. 13º.
Training Sessions and Ideas Fair Poster Presentations will be programmed in the following thematic tracks and scheduled throughout the conference:
Coalitions: A Collective Impact – The coalition movement has achieved success in applying prevention research though translation, adaption and fieldwork. Training Sessions will feature coalitions and practitioners who have demonstrative evidence of population-level impact and communities’ stories where they have measured success. This track also will focus on using data to tell your story and convey results; using data findings to justify strategy implementation; developing and utilizing outcome data; using the research behind coalition effectiveness to extract lessons learned; and proven approaches for replication of strategies in other communities.
Coalitions: The Leadership Vantage Point – Quality leadership is essential element for longevity, viability and sustainability of community coalitions and their efforts. The coalitions movement needs leaders representing many walks of life and for many critical responsibilities over vast periods of time if it is to stay in business long enough to make a difference. Leadership development, performance appraisals and succession planning are natural occurrences in top shelf corporations, business enterprises and outstanding non-profit organizations. In these hands-on-training sessions, coalition leaders will learn to create leadership and succession development and action plans.
Coalitions: Successful Enterprises – Business matters. Notable and sustainable community organizations have learned how to manage the business, not just the program, of their strategic goals. When coalitions take a step back to organize its enterprises and develop a purposeful plan for conducting themselves in a more business-like manner, performance soars. This track will help coalitions organize for success, build bench strength, determine strategic return on investments, and plan for institutionalization of their work into the community’s vision and mission.
Coalitions: Influential Communication – Effective messaging, media presence and a reputable public image can magnify your coalition’s prevention expertise. Training sessions will feature principles of message development; messaging campaigns to support strategies; image development and branding; partnership development with media sector; public affairs and media relations; dynamic social media presence; and metrics and measures of media and communication strategies. This track also will teach how to become the media’s source and subject matter expert about drug-related issues.
Coalitions: Landmarks of Collaboration – Place-based strategies allow coalitions to mobilize specific populations with strategies that are relevant and actionable given the geography and culture of the community being mobilized. When a sense of shared space and connectedness exists, significant and lasting community change should occur in ways that celebrate the populations’ distinct cultural and ethics aspects. This track will feature courses that address both the prospects and challenges of strengthening coalitions in communities with rapidly changing ethnic demographics, America Indian settings, US/Mexico border communities, urban and inner-city core neighborhoods, rural and frontier areas, college campuses, military installations and as well as those addressing the needs of the LGBTQ community.
Coalitions: Powerful Advocates – Coalitions have power because of their large network of drug prevention champions who stand up and speak out. Training sessions will feature engaging policy makers; creating and implementing education and advocacy messages; using media to advance policy and systems change; involving the general public to advance our education and advocacy agenda; and community mobilization tactics.
Coalitions: Cross Sector Significance – Coalitions are capable of coordinating sophisticated cross-system collaborations to bring about community-level change. Courses will feature implementing multi-disciplinary comprehensive community initiatives and addressing nexus issues that impact public health and safety. Scaling for collective impact and cross-sector planning and implementation will be covered.
Coalitions: Dynamic Youth Champions – Youth from across the country are working to keep their communities’ safe, healthy and drug free! Participants in this track will have the opportunity to increase their skills and knowledge by attending a series of interactive sessions. An emphasis will be placed on progressive strategies for community work and state-of-the-art presentation techniques. Proposals of particular interest include those that address comprehensive approaches to youth engagement, youth-led civic change, and engaging youth as change agents to foster systems change. This track is for young people and interested adults.